George Dixon Academy

George Dixon Academy is located in Edgbaston, Birmingham. It provides education from 11 to 18, Year 7 to Sixth Form. The school boasts a positive and inclusive atmosphere and aims to produce independent learners who are respectful, hardworking and committed. High standards are expected as the norm.

As part of its commitment to excellence, the George Dixon Academy expects its pupils to be well turned out. That’s why they have chosen Gogna as their school uniform provider.

As a part of their school uniform policy, students at George Dixon Academy Birmingham are required to wear a black blazer with a royal blue trim and the GDA emblem. A grey jumper with a royal blue double stripe is optional. To make sure you get the correct items and to offer you the best savings, we supply a complete school uniform bundle and PE kit package. This takes the hassle out of buying school uniforms while giving parents and carers the best value for money.

Why Choose Gogna for Your George Dixon Academy Uniform?

Gogna shares the same values as the George Dixon Academy. Our business is based on respect, for both our staff and the environment. We’re proud to announce that many of our high-quality products are made in the UK. Ethically, you can’t beat UK manufacturing and sustainability is controlled with our UK partners meaning that our carbon footprint is reduced.

We also demonstrate respect for our workers. As part of our commitment to the Ethical Trading Institution’s base code, we ensure that all of our staff are paid fairly for their work and that they enjoy the best possible working conditions.

At Gogna we respect our customers just as much. Our uniforms and sports kits are manufactured from the highest quality materials, and we exceed our mere legal obligations. Our clothes are hard-wearing and durable, meaning that your child will always look smart.

Payment options

We offer different payment options for your convenience. Parents have the choice of paying immediately online or by cash or card in our store. Alternatively, should you wish to spread the cost, we offer Paypal

If you’re looking for a school uniform that respects the environment, its staff and its customers, Gogna is the ideal supplier.

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